Thursday, 17 May: It is a chilly 10 degrees though thankfully dry in Vienna when Christl and Roman, Maria and Gert head off. The route takes them via Southern-Styria, Radl-Pass, Lavamünd, Eisenkappel and Seebergsattel to Skofja Loka. Blaz is meeting us on his LAVERDA 500 in Kranj and escorts us to Simon and Sabina where we get a very warm welcome.
Friday, 18 May: In the morning we are visiting the medieval town of Skofjy Loka. In the afternoon Simon, Blaz and Matjaz take us up the Trojane-Pass to savour the fantastic doughnuts baked right there. In the evening we are joined by Hannes and Wolfgang from Carinthia on their 750 LAVERDAs and Crt from Nova Gorica on his Ghost Strike. It is time for pizza and beer!
Saturday, 19 May: Donat joins our group on his Zanè-LAVERDA. In the morning we visit a vintage bike rally in Ljubljana where we meet more Slovenian LAVERDA-Friends. From there we head off to an extensive lunch followed by a quick ride into the surrounding hills. In the evening we are having a barbecue at Sabina and Simon's with Simon celebrating not only his 50th birthday but also 30 years of LAVERDA-ownership.
Sunday, 20 May: Time to head home! Amazing how quickly those four days with our friends in Slovenia went by. We are really keen to be back there someday soon.