11th International Oldtimer Grand Prix in Schwanenstadt/OÖ, 1. – 2. 9. 2018

Once again Peter Aicher and his team had invited everyone to the Oldtimer Grand Prix at the 2.7 km long Hausruckring. Not only Giacomo Agostini, Jon Ekerold, Wayne Gardner, Bruno Kneubühler, Rolf Biland and Gustl Auinger followed his invitation, but also Reinhold "Pilot" Weinert on his LAVERDA 750 SFC-Replica and Josef Gastinger on his LAVERDA 500.

The floodlit night drag-race on Friday as well as the races on Saturday had to be cancelled due to heavy rain. On Sunday however the sun came up just in time: Reinhold Weinert gained a fantastic 5th place on his 750 SFC-Replica, Josef Gastinger on his orange 500 finished 18th.


We are already looking forward to the Oldtimer Grand Prix 2020!