New, New, New |
2025-03-04 |
Christians "New": A LAVERDA 750 GT
After turning a total basket case into a beautiful LAVERDA 1000 3CL, Christian Zettl started to ponder the idea of a LAVERDA 750 GT – something rare as hen's teeth in Austria!
Finally Christian found his 750 GT in an ad by an Italian classic dealership. On Saturday morning he left at 4 am for Verona, was cordially welcomed by Claudio Garlatti, took a very close look and went for a quick run, only briefly haggled over the price and then loaded the 750 GT for her travel to Burgenland.
Our heartfelt congratulations to Christian for this purchase and we hope to see him soon riding his LAVERDA 750 GT.
2025-02-13 |
NOSTALGIA: Thomas and his Sulzbacher LAVERDA 1200SC
A few days ago Thomas Auernigg from Salzburg got in touch with us to find out where his Sulzbacher LAVERDA 1200SC had ended up. Thomas had sold her in the late 80s for ÖS 19.000,– (Equivalent to EUR 1,446). Since he was able to remember the frame number all it took was a quick look at our Sulzbacher Register. His 1200SC is nowadays lovingly taken care of in Burgenland. Thomas presently is still riding a very rare LAVERDA: a 250 2TR7 - with two-stroke LAVERDA engine.
Many thanks Thomas, we always love seeing LAVERDA picters from the good old days.
2024-11-19 |
LAVERDA Kalender 2025 |
Erich Müllegger, unser unermüdlicher Fotograf und LAVERDA-Fahrer, hat wieder zwei sehr schönen Kalender mit LAVERDA Fotos zusammengestellt. Erichs Kalender 2025 könnt ihr euch hier herunterladen und selbst ausdrucken oder fertig gedruckt bei Wolfgang Huber kaufen. Damit könnt ihr eure Werkstatt schmücken, euren Arbeitsplatz verschönern oder eure Freunde beschenken. Herzlichen Dank an Erich!
LAVERDA-Kalender 2025-13Blatt
LAVERDA-Kalender 2025-1Blatt
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2024-11-10 |
NOSTALGIA: Karl Kattner and his Sulzbacher LAVERDA
During the 1979/80/81 seasons, Karl Kattner from Saalfelden in Salzburg raced a LAVERDA 1000 tuned by Werner Sulzbacher in the class "Production bikes over 500 cc".
Karl: "My LAVERDA was tuned: I had built the cylinder-head, pistons, open 3 in 1 exhaust system, fairing and hump-seat myself. The brake-system
was modified and lightened and a smaller battery and an extra-light set of rear-sets by Siegi Wartbichler further improved the weight. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of what my LAVERDA looked like."
Many thanks Karl, we are always happy about LAVERDA from the good old days!
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2024-11-10 |
Heinz Schneglberger's Winterproject: LAVERDA 1000 3CL
Between 1976 and 1980 Heinz Schneglberger from Aspeth in Upper Austria did his apprenticeship as a mechanic at Werner Sulzbacher's, who at the time was the Austrian importer for LAVERDA.
After retiring he had to have something sensible to keep him entertained throughout the long months of winter. So he went and got himself a LAVERDA 1000 3CL and fully rebuilt her. Everything however did take a bit longer than expected, but in September 2024 she was finished. He invested a particular amount of work into the ignition, which in the end he engineered himself out of Ignitech, Sachse, and original LAVERDA parts, together with items he created himself. He even laminated the side covers and the tail.
Heinz: "It was a fair bit of work but it was worth it. I am very happy with my green 1000 3CL and she's a lot of fun to ride!"
2024-10-03 |
ERICH SANDERS 1952 – 2024
Wir trauern um unseren lieben LAVERDA Freund und leidenschaftlichen LAVERDA Rennfahrer Erich Sanders. Am 2. Oktober 2024 ist er im Alter von 72 Jahren verstorben.
Viele von euch werden sich erinnern wie Erich in den späten 70er Jahren sehr erfolgreich seine Sulzbacher LAVERDA 1200 SC um die Rundstrecke und auf den Berg hinaufgetrieben hat. Die Leidenschaft für schnelle Rennmotorräder hat er bis zuletzt gehegt und gepflegt.
Unser herzliches und aufrichtiges Beileid gilt seiner Frau Elisabeth, seinen Kindern, seiner Familie und seinen Freunden!
Ride in Peace, Erich!
2024-09-24 |
LAVERDA 1000 3CL Endurance-Racer by "Squadra Corse Titanium Core"
Our Czech LAVERDA friend Vladimir Blabla is in his bike-workshop for 12 hours every day. His last project was a LAVERDA 1000 3CL in endurance race trim. For manageability the frame was equipped with a 40 mm longer and 2 deg steeper steering head and a lowered rear end. The first test-ride was very promising, but the carburettors still need to be perfectly tuned.
In line with this occasion Vladimir has set up a race-team "Squadra Corse Titanium Core".
Titanium-joints are a prerequisite for the rider to be admitted....
2024-08-29 |
2024-08-08 |
Dieter Schmied Memorial Treffen – 28. 9. 2024
Dieter Schmieds Werkstatt für italienische Motorräder haben viele von euch gekannt und ihn als Experten und Mechaniker für italienische Motorräder schätzen gelernt. Leider ist er heuer völlig überraschend gestorben.
Hans Jorda/DEUSMOTO hat daher ein Memorial Treffen initiiert, zu dem alle Fahrer von älteren italienischen Motorrädern herzlich eingeladen sind. Das Treffen findet am 28. 9. 2024 beim Almgasthaus Schöner-Kaufmann am Hochsteinberg, Innerreith 2, 3241 Kirnberg an der Mank statt.
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2024-08-04 |
RACING DAYS at RedBull Ring/Spielberg
The report and pictures about the Rupert Hollaus Race are online.
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2024-07-22 |
75 Jahre MOTO LAVERDA - Das große Treffen in Breganze
Die LAVERDA Freunde Österreich reisen nach Breganze: 75 Jahre MOTO LAVERDA war der Anlass, dass sich LAVERDA-Enthusiasten aus aller Welt in Breganze treffen.
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2024-05-14 |
37. Österreichische Tourist Trophy in Breitenfurt/NÖ |
Sensationserfolg für LAVERDA und die LAVERDA FREUNDE ÖSTERREICH: Gert Schnögl gewinnt die 37. Österreichische Tourist Trophy in Breitenfurt/Niederösterreich. Schaut euch den Bericht und die Fotos an.
2024-05-14 |
37. Seiberer Bergwertung in Weißenkirchen/Niederösterreich |
Wir waren bei der 37. Seiberer Bergwertung in Weißenkirchen/Niederösterreich stark vertreten und hatten viel Freude und Spaß. Schaut euch den Bericht und die Fotos an.
2024-03-08 |
LAVERDA 1000 3CL - Phoenix from the Ashes II
Around 5 months ago, on 16 October 2023, we showed you the restoration project of Christian Zettel, a LAVERDA 1000 3CL in Sulzbacher trim. At that time the engine had just been mounted into the chassis. A few days ago it ran for the very first time. The carburettors still need fine-tuning, but then it will be ready for spring to arrive. Three cheers to Christian for this gorgeous restauration. The last photo once again shows where it all began...
29-02-2024 |
Gerhard Greiffenhagen and the Non-Frame LAVERDA 1200SC
In 1977 and 1978 Gerhard Greiffenhagen from Team Tyrol rode the Non-Frame LAVERDA 1200SC which had been engineered by Franz Laimböck. During that period the bike consisted of a monocoque and a full fairing sporting the colours of Team Tyrol. Gerhard did not only win the hill-climb state championship but was also really successful on the racetrack. Unfortunately he died in an accident at the age of only 32. Through sheer luck monocoque and fairing of the Non-Frame LAVERDA 1200SC have made their way into Gert Schnögl's workshop. The final iteration of the Non-Frame nowadays can be found at the MUSEO MOTO LAVERDA in Breganze.
2024-01-24 |
NOSTALGIA: From Aldo's Photo Album
Aldo Vittoria has flicked through the pages of his photo album for us. The first picture shows him with his Fox-Terrier Bonnie and a brand new LAVERDA 1000 3CL. The second photo shows an Italian Motoplast LAVERDA chassis-kit which at the time was offered by the Austrian LAVERDA importer Werner Sulzbacher.
Many thanks to Aldo!
2023-11-13 |
A LAVERDA 750 SF as a birthday present
Hannes Micheler has made his his long-time dream come true. Just in time for his birthday, near Venice, he bought a 1971 LAVERDA 750SF. More than 10 years ago Riccardo Oro meticulously overhauled her, but thereafter she was only ridden for about 10,000 k. A 1971 750SF which still has all the original parts is a very rare sight to behold. We heartily congratulate Hannes on this purchase.
2023-11-05 |
LAVERDA Ausflug nach Dänemark
Hans Jorda hat uns einen Bericht und Fotos von seinem Firmenausflug zu Peder Heise in Dänemark geschickt. Schaut euch das unbedingt an!
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2023-11-05 |
Die LAVERDA FREUNDE ÖSTERREICH besuchten die EXPO CLASSIC in Salzburg, schaut euch den Bericht an.
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2023-10-16 |
LAVERDA 1000 3CL - To rise like a phoenix
Christian and Karl Zettl have done an awesome job: Over the last few months they turned a heap of scrap-metal (see photo 1) into a meticulously re-built LAVERDA 1000 3CL in Sulzbacher trim. Most of the work was completed in Christian's own workshop. We like the fact that Christian has opted for the original paint-job. We heartfeltly congratulate on the wedding of chassis and engine and will keep you all posted once the 3CL is running.
2023-10-04 |
2023-09-12 |
RACING DAYS at RedBull Ring/Spielberg
The report and pictures about the Rupert Hollaus Races are online.
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2023-08-28 |
2023-08-21 |
2023-08-10 |
We are mourning the passing of our dear LAVERDA Friend Hans Eisschiel, who died on 3. August 2023 in his hometown St. Valentin/Lowe Austria. For decades Hans has been faithful to his two LAVERDAs - a 750 SF2 and a Sulzbacher 1200 SC - and has used them for numerous hillclimbs and circuit-races in Austria. We want to thank you Hans for doing this and Godspeed on your last journey! Your two LAVERDAs have found a loving new home.
Ride in Peace, Hans!
2023-07-20 |
2023-05-14 |
36th Seiberer Hill-climb in Weißenkirchen/Lower Austria |
The LAVERDA FREUNDE ÖSTERREICH were represented strongly at the 36th Seiberer Hill-climb in Weißenkirchen/Lower Austria and had a lot of fun. Have a look at the report and the photos.
2023-03-31 |
SALZBURG: A LAVERDA 1000 on window display
Peter Corbic discovered a LAVERDA 1000 3CL showcasing in a Salzburg-City salesroom. The previous owner had her intricately refurbished before he sadly passed. There is a list with expressions of interest from all around the world but for the time any sale is completely out of discussion.
2022-12-23 |
Wir trauern um unsere steirischen LAVERDA Enthusiasten Gottfried "Fritz" Benedikt. Am Donnerstag, dem 22. 12. 2022 hat er uns überraschend verlassen - im 67. Lebensjahr - viel zu früh. Jahrzehntelang hat er seiner in den italienischen Farben lackierten LAVERDA 1200 die Treue gehalten. Immer wieder hat er unser jährliches LAVERDA Treffen in Gloggnitz und in Maria Schutz besucht. Fritz war ein LAVERDA Liebhaber durch und durch und ein feiner Kerl war er sowieso! Ride in Peace, Fritz!
2022-12-20 |
Robert Peinkopf/Styria has spotted his old LAVERDA 1000 3CL on our website:
"I have seen my LAVERDA 1000 3CL on your site. I got her in 1982 in Zeltweg in exchange for a Honda 750 Four. At the time the LAVERDA was completely original with a red paint-job. In the winter of 1982 I dismantled her and rebuilt her to emulate an SFC. During that period I frequently went to Team Cico in Breganze to buy parts. Even the LAVERDA factory was still operational. I had a twin-seat for touring but preferred the look of the SFC-seat. In 1992 I took the engine to Marostica to get it refurbished with Jota pistons, a new cylinder-head, bigger valves and performance camshafts. Cost me 30,000 Austrian Shillings at the time, but she never really ran smoothly. Still had a lot of fun with her."
This beautiful LAVERDA 1000 3CL is nowadays pampered and ridden by Max Kolar/Vienna.
Many thanks to Robert for the two photos from 1984!
2022-11-07 |
LAVERDA-Calendar 2023 |
Our untiring photographer and LAVERDA-rider Erich Müllegger, has once again compiled a beautiful calendar with LAVERDA racing shots. You can download and print out Erich's calendar from here, or alternatively order a printed copy from Wolfgang Huber. Perfect to adorn your workshop, embellish your office or as a gift to your friends. Many thanks to Erich!
LAVERDA-Calendar 2023
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2022-10-19 |
Mostra Scambio Gonzaga
Andreas and Gert visited the Mostra Scambio Gonzaga in Italy and sent pictures and a report.
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2022-09-27 |
LAVERDA 1000 Lehrstück
You've often heard about it but never witnessed? Here's what happens, if an M8 nut makes its way into an open bellmouth of a running LAVERDA triple engine. Of course we won't be naming and shaming ...
2022-09-08 |
2022-08-28 |
2022-08-24 |
2022-08-16 |
NOSTALGIA: The first two LAVERDA 1000 3C in Amstetten/Lower Austria - 1975
Willi Wurz and his brother Ewald were the first in the county of Amstetten, to go strong with a LAVERDA 1000 3C. They bought the two red 1000s in 1975 from Werner Sulzbacher in Eferding. It clearly shows in their faces how proud they were of their gorgeous Italians (pictures 1-4). In 1976 Willi changed over to a new 1000 3CL (picture 5). Willi served as a marshal at the road race of Zeilern in 1976. For that Werner Sulzbacher provided him with a Sulzbacher LAVERDA 1200 SC (picture 6). Many thanks to Willi for these beautifully nostalgic pictures!
2022-07-31 |
Opening of the MUSEO MOTO LAVERDA in Breganze/Italy
Gert Schnögl sends a report from the opening of the MUSEO MOTO LAVERDA in Breganze/Italy.
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2022-07-18 |
3x LAVERDA 750 SF3
1.) Gerold Oberleitner lives in Linz/Upper Austria. Last year he started rebuilding his faithful LAVERDA 750 SF3. As of a few days ago she's running again and shines with a fresh red paintjob. Wolfgang Huber took care of the engine. There are still a few bits and bobs that need sorting with the 750 SF3 but then she'll be ready to roll. Congratulations to Geri on this rebuild!
2.) Harald Schliessnig lives in Vienna and has owned a LAVERDA 750 SF3 for many years. Over the last 5 years however he hasn't ridden her. Now he is keen to get her back on the road and there are a few service items that need to be sorted. We hope Harald's 750 SF3 will be ready for our annual LAVERDA rally!
3.) Hans Jorda bought a LAVERDA 750 SF3 in Salzburg. It was built in 1976 and is a first owners bike. Once it was ready to go, Hans drove the route from Salzburg to Guntramsdorf on his new SF3. Bravo Hans! Bravo LAVERDA 750 SF3!
2022-07-13 |
LAVERDA visitors from Mallorca/Spain
Gert Schnögl once again had international LAVERDA visitors in his workshop: Todd Cooper and his
daughter Sarah had come from Palma de Mallorca. Todd is presently working on two LAVERDA triple projects, his daughter Sarah is a passionate horse-rider and wanted to see the Lippizan horses at the Spanish Riding School. After a visit to Gert's workshop they were treated to crunchy Wiener Schnitzel and nicely chilled beer in a typical Vienna inn.
2022-05-15 |
"Grab the Flag" 2022 at the Pannoniaring
Have a look at the report, the video and the pictures about the "Grab the Flag" race at the Pannoniaring.
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2022-04-07 |
2022-02-01 |
Unser Terminkalender 2022, mit vielen spannenden Events, ist online. Leider noch nicht ganz komplett, aber wir werden immer wieder nachbessern und euch darauf aufmerksam machen.
Terminkalender 2022
2022-01-24 |
Unsere Freunde von der LAVERDA CONNECTION OBERPFALZ haben seit kurzem eine neue Homepage. Reinhold "Pilot" Weinert und seine Truppe sind hochaktiv in der LAVERDA Szene: Fahren, Helfen und Treffen sind die drei Eckpunkte ihrer Aktivitäten. Schaut euch das an:
2022-01-24 |
LAVERDA Geschichten für lange Wintertage
Auf der australischen Webseite MCNews findet ihr eine Fülle von interessanten LAVERDA Artikeln mit den fantastischen Fotos von Phil Aynsley. Nicht nur die erste LAVERDA von 1949 wird gezeigt, sondern auch Raritäten wie die LAVERDA 650, eine EGLI LAVERDA 750, die LAVERDA 1000 V6 und sogar eine LAVERDA 125 Grand Prix Rennmaschine. Schaut euch das an:
2021-11-28 |
Over the last weeks Reinhold Weinert/LCO has built up a LAVERDA 1200 with a very rare, Italian MOTOPLAST frame. Reinhold: "My MOTOPLAST LAVERDA 1200 is a 1984 model and was previously registered in France. She was almost completed but lacking a paint-job. She has Campagnolo rims and 38mm Forcelle Italia forks. I have rebuilt the engine and carburettors and fitted a new wiring loom and a Sachse ignition. The bodywork already sparkles in orange and blue. In spring I will put on new shocks and tires and then I can take her over the pits."
2021-11-22 |
LAVERDA-Calendar 2022 |
Our ace reporter Erich Müllegger, photographer and naturally LAVERDA-rider, was a bit more busy this year when practically all events had been cancelled. You can once again download and print his 2022 LAVERDA calendar here, or order a printed copy from Wolfgang Huber. Adorn your workshop, embellish your office or use it as a gift to a friend. With many thanks to Erich!!
LAVERDA-Calendar 2022
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2021-10-28 |
Sulzbacher LAVERDA 1200SC Times Two
After 8 years Erwin Hirschmugl has bought back his heavily modified Sulzbacher LAVERDA 1200SC from Gert Schnögl. Gert found consolation in a single-owner Sulzbacher LAVERDA 1200SC with only 20,000km on the clock. Both have already managed to get their bikes running after they had been garaged for 8 years. Erwin is planning to race his 1200SC again, whilst Gert aims to give his new love a rebuild to original specs. Good luck to both of them!
2021-09-15 |
2021-09-07 |
LAVERDA Greetings from Slovenia
Hannes Micheler did a bike-tour to the wonderful Soca-Tal/Slovenia. At a gas station in Kobarid he met a LAVERDA 500 driver from Kassel/Germany. Lep pozdrav iz Slovenije!
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2021-09-01 |
2021-08-31 |
RACING DAYS at the RedBull Circuit/Spielberg
The report and pictures about the Rupert Hollaus Race are online.
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2021-07-08 |
LAVERDA Grüße aus Italien
Eva und Robert "Hirschi" Hirschegger schicken uns herzliche Grüße aus Italien. Mit Roberts LAVERDA 1000 3C sind sie durch die Ortschaft LAVERDA gefahren. Dieser kleine Ort liegt in den Bergen ca. 10 Kilometer nördlich von Breganze. Grazie cari ragazzi!
2021-05-19 |
LAVERDA-Greetings from Germany
After riding his LAVERDAs for 50 years, Günther Lechermann had the desire to radically a 750 SF. Recently it even got approved by the German TÜV.
Günther: "I wanted the engine to be more powerful and the frame to be state of the art. Thus I used my stock of Zanè spare parts and had Boba make light carbon-fibre parts for me. It required heaps of brainpower and a year of work, but the first rides were absolutely thrilling. The powerful torque of the 750 engine blends perfectly with the Zanè chassis. The bike corners beautifully and is dead-stable when leaning over."
Core technical data: 750 SF engine with C6-cams, 42,5/35,5mm valves, 36mm Mikuni carburettors, Laverda 1000 RGS swingarm, Paioli Upside-Down forks, 17“ Marchesini wheels, SF-frame lightened/modified, weight 190 kg.
2021-05-06 |
LAVERDA 750 Sidecar - Sensational Roll-Out
Erich Weidenholzer just had a first test run on his LAVERDA 750 facing sidecar. Erich himself is the driver of the sidecar, his passenger is Roland Mallinger. They not only make for a perfect team on the race track but also at their work at the hospital. After sorting out initial problems of fuel-starvation under full power, the orange race-outfit ran like clockwork. Erich an Roland are going to be serious contenders in the Classic road racing category.
Pictures: Erich Müllegger
2021-04-22 |
LAVERDA Greetings from France
Laurent Cahuzac from Laps/France has sent us pictures of his LAVERDAs. A gorgeous black 1978 LAVERDA 1200, and a LAVERDA 1200 with the British MOTODD MK1 frame built by Phil Todd. The completely aluminium-clad LAVERDA is owned by a long-standing friend of Laurent's who has been riding LAVERDAs for 40 years. Once the MOTODD-LAVERDA is completed, we will get further pictures from France.
2021-04-17 |
2021-04-15 |
RST Classic Warm Up in Fuglau/NÖ
Erich Müllegger, unser unermüdlicher "rasender Reporter" hat uns wieder mit LAVERDA-Rennfotos versorgt. Diesmal war er in Fuglau/NÖ. Schaut euch das an:
RST Classic Warm Up.
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2021-04-13 |
LAVERDA-Greetings from Switzerland
Martin Knöpfel (Switzerland) has prepped his LAVERDA 500 racer for the season and has already had a practice run at the Hockenheimring. Martin bought his racer three years ago from Ronny Nestler. Hermann Ansorge had built up this fine LAVERDA 500 for Ronny. We are really delighted to see that she didn't end up in a collection but is being put to appropriate use!
2021-04-06 |
Jürgen Schnaller on the Nonframe LAVERDA 1200
Jürgen Schnaller (www.triumph-tirol.at) has rummaged through his archives and found a really special photo for us: It shows him during the Rechberg-Race on 9/9/1978 riding the Nonframe LAVERDA 1200 built by Franz Laimböck. At the time Hermann Brunnschmid (Team Tirol) was the mechanic for this racer and Gerhard Greiffenhagen the rider. Jürgen was given the opportunity to ride this fast racer (265 km/h clocked at the Österreichring 1976) twice at a hill-climb. Nowadays the Nonframe LAVERDA 1200 is on display at the LAVERDA Museum Breganze.
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2021-02-17 |
2021-02-13 |
LAVERDA Greetings from Bogota/Colombia
28 years ago Klaus Steiner moved from Stuttgart to Subachoque near Bogota/Colombia. He is involved with the local club for classic motorcycles and rides, amongst other things, a gorgeous LAVERDA 1200.
We are really happy about these very special LAVERDA greetings from South America, wishing Klaus all the best and many kilometres on his LAVERDA 1200!
2020-12-26 |
Christmas Greetings from Florida/USA
Rudi Schachinger sends us Christmas greetings from Florida and shows us his impressive fleet of racers. Rudi is running a Custom Bike Workshop and offers track trainings for sports bikes. Let's all hope for a better racing season in 2021! All the best Rudi!
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2020-12-22 |
Nostalgia: Hans Steinhögl and his LAVERDA 750 SF Racer
During a meeting of the MRSC Gunskirchen, Erich Müllegger found out a few interesting things about the LAVERDA past of Hans "Stoni" Steinhögl. In 1974 the club provided Hans with a Sulzbacher LAVERDA 750SF, which he raced in the Austrian Championship in the class 'Production bikes over 500cc'. Hans was successful in endurance races at Zeltweg, in road races in Austria and also at international events. A few years later Hans bought the LAVERDA from the club and re-built her for road-usage. At the time monocoques were all the rage and people liked to paint exhaust systems in red. Nowadays Hans participates in Classic events with his custom built Benelli 500 racer.
Picture 1: |
Hans Steinhögl and his Sulzbacher LAVERDA 750SF racer, 1974 |
Picture 2: |
Sulzbacher LAVERDA 750SF, 1974 |
Picture 3: |
Testing at the Salzburgring, 1975 |
Picture 4: |
Airfield race Innsbruck, 1976: In the middle Franz Laimböck (2) and Gerhard Greifenhagen (1) on LAVERDA 1000, to the right Hans Steinhögl (19) |
Picture 5: |
Airfield race Innsbruck, 1976: To the left Sepp Schopf on Moto Guzzi Le Mans (26), in the middle Hans Steinhögl on LAVERDA 750 (19) |
Picture 6 & 7: |
Monocoque-conversion with Bimota hump-seat, Sulzbacher fairing and red 2 into 1 SFC-Exhaust system, 1978 |
Picture 8: |
Hans with his Benelli 500 in Imola, 2019
2020-11-16 |
Maximilian Mahlmeister surprised us with the presentation of a roadworthy MOTO MARTIN LAVERDA 1200 in Martini-Design.
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2020-09-11 |
LAVERDA Repeat Offender Andreas
Andreas Bachtrögler struck for the second time within two months: A 1957 LAVERDA 100 Sport Lusso should keep him busy throughout the harsh winter period (or maybe even longer?) The 100 is mostly complete, will however require an engine overhaul. Andreas intends to keep as much of the patina as possible. His aim for 2021 is our LAVERDA rally at Maria Schutz, followed by a participation at the 2022 Milano–Taranto. We will keep you posted...
2020-10-21 |
OCT - Legendary LAVERDA Mechanics from Dom-Esch
The German "Handwerksblatt" has issued a wonderful article about the company OCT (Orange Cycle Team) of Roger Viehl and Piet Herrmann. Under the headline "Legendäre LAVERDA-Schrauber aus Dom-Esch (Legendary Laverda Mechanics from Dom-Esch)" the reader finds anecdotes and learns about the background of the guys' passion for LAVERDA:
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2020-10-01 |
RACING DAYS at RedBull Ring/Spielberg
The report and pictures about the Rupert Hollaus Race are online.
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2020-09-23 |
Hauer LAVERDA 1200
Finally we see pictures of a true Austrian LAVERDA gem, the sensational Hauer LAVERDA 1200 from Gerhard in Graz.
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2020-09-23 |
Motoplast LAVERDA 1200
Our Czech LAVERDA friend Vladimir shows us the first pictures of his LAVERDA 1200 with Motoplast frame.
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2020-09-10 |
Sensational LAVERDA 750 Sidecar-Racer
A sensational project that has taken Erich "Doc Holiday" Weidenholzer several years is nearing completion: A LAVERDA 750 sidecar-racer. Erich has long been pondering the idea of building a LAVERDA sidecar-racer. Several intensive talks with Piero LAVERDA in Imola and on the Isle of Man as well as the acquisition of a cheap crashed LAVERDA 750 SF brought his plans closer to realisation. Erich hopes to be able to complete a few practice-laps with his sidecar racer this year, and we are eagerly awaiting the first ride-report. (Photos: Erich Müllegger)
2020-09-10 |
LAVERDA Visitor from Mallorca
International LAVERDA visit in Gert Schnögl's workshop: Miguel Pons Moncada lives in Palma/Mallorca and had to come to Vienna on a business-trip. He's the proud owner of two LAVERDAs. In the process of meticulously rebuilding his LAVERDA 750 SF3 he came across a stray LAVERDA 1000 3C which he felt compelled to adopt. After an extensive tour to the workshop bike-talk was continued at the pub with beer and 'Wiener Schnitzel'.
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2020-09-10 |
A new LAVERDA Friend in Vienna
We welcome our most recent LAVERDA friend Andreas Bachtrögler. With strong assistance by Gert Schnögl Andreas managed to acquire the gorgeous LAVERDA 1000 3CL from the deceased estate of Manfred Faes. Andreas is obviously very happy, much to the delight of Manfred's family...
2020-09-10 |
Holiday Greetings from Italy x 2
Gabi and Jürgen were overtaken by a LAVERDA combine harvester whilst travelling Italy, and Robert Schlachter discovered an old LAVERDA campervan at a servo in Sicily.
Thanks for these lovely LAVERDA holiday greetings from Italy.
2020-09-01 |
2020-08-11 |
New Laverda-Museum in Breganze
Excellent news from Italy: The fantastic Laverda Museum of Cor Dees will be resurrected in Breganze close to the original factory-premises. Werner Riccionini an Italian entrepreneur has bought the complete collection - 81 bikes - after the original buyer Steve Parr had to realise that he didn't have enough space for in in New York.
The exhibition halls have already been prepared and the bikes have arrived, together with everything else. Set-up will certainly take a little while but we are already looking forward to our first visit.
2020-08-06 |
Max Mahlmeister restored one of those rare items to get it back on the road: have a look at the report about his RAU LAVERDA 1000.
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28-07-2020 |
Rudi Wagner's Photo Archive
Rudi has rummaged through his collection of pictures and has sent us a couple of photos from shows and exhibitions of the 70s. Pictures 1 and 2 show a LAVERDA 1000 3C - still without oil-cooler - probably taken in Vienna in 1973. Pictures 3 and 4 could have been taken in Milan or Bologna in the late 70s. Picture 3 shows the 500 Formula in 1979 version and behind it the 500 Montjuich, which was mostly sold in England. Picture 4: The 1979 500 Formula and the 500 Barcelona endurance racer as it was used in the 24 Hours of Barcelona in 1978 und 1979.
We love these old photo-documents and express our heartfelt gratitude to Rudi for them.
28-07-2020 |
LAVERDA 750 SF1 Barn-Find
Even in Vienna it is still possible to come across a LAVERDA barn-find. This LAVERDA 750 SF1 was salvaged by Gerhard and Gert from a garden tool shed in Wien/Kagran. The owner had put her there in storage in 1988 . 32 years later she was finally released from her prison.
She's in the best of hands with her new owner, Peter already calls three other LAVERDA 750s his own! We are already looking forward to the day she is back running and we will keep you posted.
2020-04-21 |
Sensation: LAVERDA 1000/1200 fuel-injected 4-valve cylinder-head
Gijs van Dijk, the Dutch LAVERDA specialist is mostly known for his commitment to Classic Endurance Racing. He has recently developed and built a 4-valve cylinder head for LAVERDA triples.
This includes a custom-built crankshaft capable of up to 11,000 rpm, special pistons, Nikasil-barrels, electronic fuel injection (EFI), complete exhaust system and many more gadgets for the technology-aficionado. At present they are assembling a bike to be used as customer test machine.
More information about this exciting project can be found on the new website: https://laverdaworkshop.com
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2020-04-09 |
We take a peek into the workshops of our LAVERDA-Friends.
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2020-04-02 |
LAVERDA to cope with the Corona-crisis
Having a lot of time up his sleeve during this Corona-crisis, Erich Müllegger decided to go on a binge browsing his vast collection of motorcycle-magazines and books. He scanned a few very nice LAVERDA articles for us. We particularly enjoyed the passage in "MOTORRAD" about the first LAVERDA 750 SFC, where they stress the ability to withstand even the toughest racing conditions. Should any of you have had a different experience, please feel free to tell us...
2020-02-24 |
2020-02-05 |
2020-01-23 |
Special Show "PASSIONE LAVERDA" in Novegro/Milan, 14.–16. 2. 2020
The LAVERDA CLUB ITALIA is organising a big special show during the Mostra Scambio Novegro: The colourful history of the company MOTO LAVERDA will be documented with many exhibits. From the 1947 LAVERDA 75 over the 750 models of the 70s up to the 1000/1200 cc triples a representative selection will be on display. It goes without saying that the LAVERDA CORSE Team will be present with their fantastic orange racers including the the 1000 V6.
2019-12-08 |
Memories: Breganze in July 2019 |
Recently the MOTOCLUB LAVERDA BREGANZE has published a 30 minute video about the festivities of the "70 years MOTO LAVERDA" in July 2019. We love to remember this fantastic event that brought together LAVERDA riders from all around the globe. Please pay special attention to those two cool dudes that ride through the picture at 4:25: A white Sulzbacher 1200SC and a red 750 SF3 ;-)
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2019-12-08 |
Memories: LAVERDA Visit 2007
Our LAVERDA Freund Alois from Salzburg has dug up some lovely photos that brought back memories from years gone by: The first two pictures show his modified LAVERDA 1000 3C, with light Campagnolo wheels, clip-ons, bikini-fairing, hump-seat and 3 into 1 exhaust systen.
Through a lucky coincidence he met Christl and Roman Cudly in 2007. On their way to Italy on their Sulzbacher LAVERDA 1200S they were looking for a petrol station but instead landed at the club bar where they met Alois. Over a cup of coffe a new friendship between LAVERDA riders was forged ...
2019-11-21 |
Police-LAVERDAs in the Middle East
Many of you will be aware of the fact that a special LAVERDA 750 GTL was built for and delivered to the police in Kuwait in the 70s. What we however didn't know was that the police in Syria also used LAVERDAs. An Austrian LAVERDA-Friend travelled to Syria in the late 80s and was amazed to see that the police were on white LAVERDA 1000 RGS. A unique photo-document....
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04-11-2019 |
OBITUARY: Manfred Faes - a true LAVERDA knight |
On 23. 10. 2019 our LAVERDA friend Manfred Faes passed away after a long battle with a severe illness. Manfred was a passionate motorcyclist and a quintessential LAVERDA-fan. For more than 30 years he was faithful to his LAVERDA 1000 3CL covering tens on thousands of miles throughout all of Europe. This year he came to see us at our annual rally in Maria Schutz, having given the 3CL a complete makeover. Now he has left us way too early. Our sincere condolences to his wife Doris, his two children, his family and friends.
2019-10-21 |
LAVERDA-Calendar 2020 |
Erich Müllegger, passionate photographer and LAVERDA-rider, has once again been touring all over Europe, taking pictures of race-meetings. He has made up a LAVERDA-calendar for us to download. You can adorn your workshop, embellish your office or give it to your friends for Christmas. A printed version is again available from Wolfgang Huber. Dear Erich, a heartfelt thank you for this wonderful calendar.
LAVERDA-Calendar 2020
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2019-10-21 |
Peter Corbics LAVERDA 1230 CR "Bottomless"
In the winter of 2017 Peter Corbic sent us the first pictures of his LAVERDA 1230 CR project. Meanwhile a lot has been changed and improved.
Peter: "I put in large 84mm forged pistons (1230cc), Jota 4/C cams, bigger valves, puristic 36mm Dellorto carburettors with open bellmouths and a Harris 3 into 1 exhaust system. Modern electrics and electronics were paramount, based on a fully programmable electronic ignition, 470 Watt alternator and a lightweight Lithium-Ion battery."
And as you can see she's already running.
2019-09-12 |
2019-09-03 |
2019-08-29 |
2019-08-29 |
2019-08-13 |
Australian LAVERDA Visitor |
Tom Calvert from Canberra/Australia was on the trip of his life. On his own LAVERDA 1000 Jota he toured Europe for three months. The northernmost point of his journey was the Isle of Man, sounthernmost Tavullia/Italiy, hometown of Valentino Rossi. For a whole three weeks he took up residence in Breganze. On his way back north he went over Grossglockner and then visited Gert Schnögl in Vienna. At that point he had already covered more than 10,000 km on his Jota. By the end of August he was due to return to Australia. Ride safely, Tom!
2019-07-22 |
70 Jahre MOTO LAVERDA - Das große Treffen in Breganze
LAVERDA Freunde Österreich visit the mother of all parties: 70 Years MOTO LAVERDA was the reason that more LAVERDAs and LAVERDA-riders than ever came to Breganze.
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2019-06-24 |
Cor Dees 1954 - 2019
Last week the sad new reached us, that Cor Dees, Founder of the LAVERDA-Museum in Lisse/NL, had passed on 18. June. Cor was a warm-hearted and very helpful person, a quintessential Gentleman. He dedicated his life to the MOTO LAVERDA marque and not only built up a fantastic collection, but also, with incredible patience and technical knowledge built up two LAVERDA 1000 V6. His passing is a severe loss for the whole LAVERDA-community.
Our deepest condolences to his family and his numerous good friends.
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2019-06-12 |
2019-06-06 |
Unser unermüdlicher LAVERDA-Reporter
Erich Müllegger, unser unermüdlicher "rasender Reporter" hat uns wieder mit LAVERDA-Rennfotos versorgt. Er war nicht nur am Sonntagberg, sondern auch am Pannoniaring und in Imola. Schaut euch das an:
2019-05-08 |
Der LAVERDA "Geht nicht – gibt's nicht" Tank |
Wolfgang Pussecker hat im letzten Winter einen Tank für seine SFC Replica selbst gebaut. Nachdem die Basis der Replica eine 750 GT ist, gibt es für diesen Rahmen keinen passenden SFC Tank. Wolfgang: "Der Anfang war eine Idee und ein weißes Blatt Papier. Alle Arbeitsschritte wie das Modellieren, Abformen und Laminieren mit benzinbeständigem Harz habe ich selbst gemacht. Wahrscheinlich ist das der einzige Tank in SFC Optik, der auf einen GT Rahmen passt."
Der Tank ist dicht und hat auch schon die erste Probefahrt bestanden. Jetzt bekommt er noch die passende Lackierung.
2019-04-11 |
Brettoni LAVERDA 750 SFC at the 31st Techno-Classica Essen April 2019 |
Wolfgang Märzinger went to see the 31st Techno-Classica Essen and only discovered one single LAVERDA: That one however was a 1974 LAVERDA 750 SFC, allegedly formerly owned by Augusto Brettoni. This 750 SFC was offered for EUR 70.000,– . More photos on the homepage of the dealer: www.aquaramabec.com/en/veicolo/laverda-sfc-750/
2019-04-11 |
Heat-testing LAVERDAs |
It could have been worse for Siegi Schott and Wolfgang Huber: On 7 April just before 11 pm an attentive neighbour noticed a fire in front of their shared shed in Nöstelbach. The fire started to spread onto the building but the Fire Brigade was able to extinguish it quickly. Some of the bikes in the room were salvaged. Siegi's Sulzbacher LAVERDA 1200 SC and his LAVERDA 500 were quickly wheeled out, his LAVERDA 200 which still had the original paint got badly damaged. The LAVERDA 125 Sport now looks even sadder than before. The police are suspecting arson.
2019-04-11 |
Brand new LAVERDA SM50
As of a couple of weeks ago there is a new LAVERDA on the Austrian market. The special edition LAVERDA SM50 which is based on the Aprilia SX50 is priced at EUR 2.690,– Spare parts and service are available through Aprilia dealerships. We reckon that Piaggio has launched this special edition for reasons of trademark rights.
2019-03-06 |
The 80s - Those were the days! |
Harald Portschy has rummaged through his photos and found some real treasure: Those were the days when in the 80s there were 6 LAVERDAs standing in front of his door! We can recognise two 1200s, two 1000s and two 750s. He nearly managed to get a full set of rainbow colours - how gorgeous! And have a look at the red and blue Motoplast LAVERDA 1200 in the snow - it's like being in a time-machine!
Harald is running a very friendly mechanic workshop in Vienna where they are still doing actual repairs: http://werkstattkfz.at
2019-02-21 |
LAVERDA 750 SFC 1971 #1
John Fallon of "Made in Italy Motorcycles" presently has a very special LAVERDA on offer: The very first LAVERDA 750 SFC. This 750 SFC, with frame- and engine-number 5612, was the first of only 20 SFCs, that were assebled in the racing-department of LAVERDA in 1971. She was in very poor condition and received a total rebuild. We would however have wished for a somewhat more meticulous restoration of this historically valuable LAVERDA.
2019-02-21 |
Modifications of LAVERDAs are somewhat scarce in the Custom Bike and Cafe Racer scene. Gianluca of Stile Italiano has once again built a very special motorbike. It is based on an EGLI spine-frame and a 750 SF engine. A tricolour aluminium monocoque, Paioli forks, Marvic 5-spoke magnesium wheels, Brembo billet-machined brake calipers, Brembo-Oro discs, a raised 2 into 2 exhaust system with Virex mufflers and Motogadget instruments are the discerning features of this special.
2019-01-09 |
LAVERDA gems surfaced in Austria!
Austrian barns and sheds hide real treasures, two of which surfaced a couple of weeks ago:
1.) A 1976 LAVERDA 750 SFC Electronica, original owner, at the time delivered by the importer Werner Sulzbacher – a real sensation, as this 750 SFC is widely in original condition. The find spot was Tyrol. There were only about 25–30 750 SFC with cast wheels produced. These were the very last specimens of the 750 SFC before production was ceased. At present this LAVERDA 750 SFC Electronica is being gently restored. We are awaiting the results with bated breath!
As of today there are only six LAVERDA 750 SFC in Austria. Or is there another one in hiding ...?
2.) A Sulzbacher-tuned 1975 LAVERDA 1000 3C, showed up in Upper Austria. The early Sulzbacher-tuned LAVERDAs are extremely rare. Stefan Reiter bought this 3C and will diligently restore her. Twice she had been already owned by Stefan's dad, now he has brought this family-member back home again. This LAVERDA 1000 3C was equipped with high compression pistons, 4/C cams, large valves, reworked ports, 36 Dellortos, 3in1 exhaust system, full bodywork, clipons and hump-seat.
We are already curious about the result of Stefan's rebuild ...
2019-01-08 |
We welcome a new LAVERDA Friend!
In late October Hannes Weingartshofer from Grosskrut/Lower Austria got in touch with us. On his wish-list were either a LAVERDA 750 S or a 750 SF. Barely six weeks later Hannes hit the road with his dad to go to Italy. In the vicinity of Vicenza he had discovered a 1971 750 SF with only 16,000 km on the clock. Despite some language barriers they quickly agreed on a price and the 750 SF got trailered home.
A first inspection of course revealed a few more issues than expected, but Hannes is still optimistic. This winter he will give his LAVERDA 750 SF a big service, inclunding rebuilding of carburettors, and in spring she will be registered on historic plates. Any optical issues will have to wait until the following winter.
We heartily congratulate Hannes on his purchase and assure him that we'll help in the restoration project wherever possible.
2018-11-26 |
LAVERDA-Calendar 2019
Erich Müllegger, passionate photographer and LAVERDA-rider, has once again made his two LAVERDA-Calendars available for download. You can use them to adorn your workshop, embellish your office or gift them to your friends. The printed version is available from Wolfgang Huber. Thank you very much Erich for these beautiful calendars!
LAVERDA - Monthly Calendar 2019
LAVERDA - Calendar for 2019
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2018-11-18 |
Mostra Scambio Novegro
Gert Schnögl besucht den Mostra Scambio Novegro in Mailand/Italien und berichtet darüber.
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2018-11-05 |
The summer was very hot …
Given even LAVERDA-riders have to deal with global warming we received an innovative suggestion for riding gear from Vorarlberg. Harry R. is showing us how to comfortably ride your LAVERDA even at 35 deg. Celsius. There's also some airy space for his four-legged mate. We are wondering whether Harry is going to develop a whole riding gear collection....
LAVERDA 500 times two
Bruno Aschauer from Ohlsdorf/OÖ has bought a 1979 LAVERDA 500. Over winter he wants to turn her into a lovely orange racer to be entered in classic race-meetings.
His compatriot Josef Gastinger has found just such an orange LAVERDA 500 racer in Bavaria and has already entered it in historic and classic races.
Barber Vintage Festival 2018
Rudy Schachinger, head of the LAVERDA FREUNDE subsidiary in Florida/USA, participated in the "Barber Vintage Festival 2018". Starting with his Haider LAVERDA 1200 from number 12 on the grid he was already in fourth place after only two laps. But then the ignition gave up the ghost and he was dropped down the order by his competitors.
Aldo Vittoria has looked through his photo albums: The result is a fantastic shot from the seventies showing him on his LAVERDA 1000 3C - an early version, still without oil-cooler - in SFC-trim. Aldo at the time bought this beautifully set up 3C at a dealer in Triest. The second picture shows him, in the late seventies, on his Sulzbacher LAVERDA 1200S.
2018-10-10 |
Offener Brief der LAVERDA FREUNDE ÖSTERREICH an die Redaktion von „MOTORRAD CLASSIC":
Liebe MOTORRAD CLASSIC Redaktion, lieber Michael Pfeiffer, lieber Jens Möller-Töllner,
was für eine freudige Überraschung beim Zeitschriftenhändler: MOTORRAD CLASSIC 11/2018 bringt einen Artikel über die LAVERDA 1000 V6.
Endlich hat eine Fachzeitschrift bemerkt, daß es mittlerweile drei Exemplare dieser fantastischen Rennmaschine gibt. Endlich schreibt jemand über den holländischen LAVERDA Enthusiasten Cor Dees, der mit unglaublicher Akribie und Ausdauer ein zweites Exemplar der Bol d'Or V6 Rennmaschine aufgebaut hat. Endlich zeigt jemand das dritte Exemplar - den LAVERDA 1000 V6 Prototyp. Auch der wurde von Cor Dees wieder aufgebaut. Endlich zeigt eine Fachzeitschrift, daß alle drei LAVERDA 1000 V6 heuer beim Int. LAVERDA-Treffen in Breganze/Italien auf einer Bühne präsentiert wurden. Endlich verbreitet MOTORRAD CLASSIC die Nachricht, daß es auch ein Buch über die Geschichte der LAVERDA 1000 V6 gibt, von Jean-Louis Olive recherchiert und geschrieben und in drei Sprachen veröffentlicht.
Dann blättere ich das Heft auf und entdecke statt all dieser interessanten Stories und Fakten einen Artikel den Alan Cathcart vor ca. 25 Jahren verfasst hat. Da hätte ich mir von MOTORRAD CLASSIC wirklich mehr erwartet …
Ciao, Gert
2018-10-10 |
2018-10-10 |
2018-09-18 |
2018-09-12 |
2018-09-06 |
2018-07-21 |
LAVERDA 1000 Scheunenfund
Gerade rechtzeitig zu seinem Geburtstag hat Gert Schnögl einen LAVERDA Scheunenfund in seine Werkstatt geliefert bekommen. Diese LAVERDA 1000 3CL, Baujahr 1976, wurde nach einem schweren Unfall über 30 Jahre lang unter einer Plastikplane gelagert. Dementsprechend hat der Rost gewütet. Rahmen und Gabel sind verbogen, das Vorderrad ist zerbrochen, der Tank und die fetten 45mm Krümmer haben riesige Rostlöcher und im offenen Megaphon hat sich eine Maus ein gemütliches Nest gebaut. Wie auf den Fotos zu sehen, hat sich Gert trotzdem gefreut - es ist ja immerhin eine LAVERDA!
2018-07-20 |
2018-07-02 |
Sulzbacher LAVERDA gesucht!
Werner Kreiner aus Graz sucht seine Sulzbacher LAVERDA. Werner hat sie 1982 bei der "Zweirad GmbH" in Graz gebraucht gekauft und würde gerne wissen ob diese Dreizylinder-LAVERDA überlebt hat. Nachdem er sich erinnert, daß entweder 103 oder 106 PS im Typenschein eingetragen waren, müßte es sich um eine 1200 3CL oder 1200S handeln. Die Basis war auf jedenfalls eine 1000 3CL Baujahr 1976 oder 1977.
Also liebe LAVERDA-Freundinnen und Freunde, nehmt bitte eure Typenscheine zur Hand, schaut nach, ob Werner Kreiner als Besitzer eingetragen ist und meldet euch bitte bei Gert Schnögl: gert.schnoegl@netway.at
2018-06-04 |
2018-05-25 |
Richard Knotzinger - Nachruf
Am 6. Mai 2018 ist unser Freund Richard Knotzinger am Nachhauseweg vom Pannoniaring mit seinem Gespann tödlich verunglückt. Seine Lebensgefährtin Christl Cudly hat diesen Unfall leicht verletzt überlebt.
Richard war Zeit seines Lebens Motorrad verrückt. Ich habe ihn Anfang der 90er Jahren am Österreichring kennengelernt, wo er seine 350er Einzylinder im Rahmen der DUCATI Speedweek sehr engagiert bewegt hat. Leider konnte ich ihn nie von den Qualitäten einer LAVERDA überzeugen, er hatte sein Leben den Ducatis, Morinis und Cagivas verschrieben.
Hans Jorda, der Richard seit mehr als 30 Jahren kannte, sagt über ihn: "Ich habe ihn immer bewundert: ob seines Fahrkönnens - er hat sich oft heiße Einzylinder Rennduelle mit Freunden von mir geliefert; ob seiner phänomenalen Hilfsbereitschaft - er war immer da, wenn man ihn brauchte; ob seines technischen Wissens - er war ein wandelndes Motorradlexikon; ob seines Allgemeinwissens - man konnte wunderbar mit ihm über Gott und die Welt philosophieren! Und ganz vieles mehr …!"
Der Tod seines Sohnes Fabian war ein harter Schicksalsschlag für Richard. Aber in den letzten Jahren, sagen selbst seine engsten Freunde, erlebte man Richard an der Seite seiner Lebensgefährtin Christl so entspannt und glücklich wie noch nie.
Unser aufrichtiges Mitgefühl gilt Richards Familie, aber insbesondere seinem Sohn Sebastian und seiner Lebensgefährtin Christl.
Ride In Peace, Richard! Gert Schnögl
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2018-05-14 |
"Grab the Flag" 2018 am Pannoniaring
Schau dir den Bericht über das "Grab the Flag"-Rennen am Pannoniaring an.
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2018-04-20 |
Int. LAVERDA Cup 2018 im Rahmen der DHM
Heuer ist es dem rührigen Berthold Versteegen endlich gelungen im Rahmen der Deutschen Historischen Motorradmeisterschaft einen LAVERDA-Cup zu organisieren. Pro Veranstaltung sind ein Training- und zwei Wertungsläufe geplant. Es wird in drei Hubraumklassen gewertet: 500 bis 650 ccm, 750 ccm und 1000 bis 1200 ccm.
Vier Termine wird es 2018 geben:
1.) Schleizer Dreieck 6 bis 8. Juli
2.) Schotten Ring 18. bis 19. August
3.) Hockenheim 7. bis 9. September
4.) Oschersleben 1. bis 2. Oktober
Alle Informationen und Anmeldeunterlagen findet ihr unter:
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2018-04-18 |
LAVERDA Registration Figures in Austria
We have looked into the actual motorcycle registration figures in Austria. As of 31/12/2017 data showed exactly 200 registered LAVERDAs
Below a listing showing the number in each province
The number of registered LAVERDAs in Austria has grown by about 10 % over the past 10 years. Given there are certainly several non-registered LAVERDAs lurking in garages, museums, workshops and cellars one can safely assume a total number of about 350 LAVERDAs in Austria.
2018-03-01 |
LAVERDA Zulassungszahlen in Österreich
Wir haben die aktuellen Zahlen der in Österreich zugelassenen LAVERDAs nachgefragt:
Insgesamt sind es mit 31. 12. 2017 genau 200 Stück.
Nach Bundesländern aufgeschlüsselt:
Burgenland: 9
Kärnten: 10
Niederösterreich: 49
Oberösterreich: 51
Salzburg: 9
Steiermark: 12
Tirol: 19
Vorarlberg: 16
Wien: 25
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Der Bestand an zugelassenen LAVERDAs ist in den letzten 10 Jahren in Österreich um ca. 10% gestiegen. Da sicher viele nicht zugelassene LAVERDAs in Museen, Garagen, Werkstätten und Kellern ihr Dasein fristen müssen, kann man von einem Gesamtbestand von ca. 350 LAVERDAs in Österreich ausgehen.
2018-02-26 |
SENSATIONAL: Hauer LAVERDA 1200 No. 2 surfaced in Austria
Many of you probably know about the Hauer tubular frames from Vienna. Until recently we only knew of one Hauer LAVERDA 1200
Recently however the owner of a second LAVERDA 1200 with Hauer-frame contacted us. He has owned the bike for 35 years but only rarely ridden it. We will pay him a visit and let you know about this LAVERDA-rarity ...
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2018-02-26 |
40 Years LAVERDA 1000 V6 at the Circuit Paul Ricard
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This year the LAVERDA-season has an early start at the end of March with a major event: On 24./25. March we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the LAVERDA 1000 V6 endurance race on the Circuit Paul Ricard at Le Castellet/France. In 1978 Nico Cereghini and Carlo Perugini rode the V6 at the Bol d'Or. At the incredible speed of 284 km/h the LAVERDA 1000 V6 was by far the fastest motorcycle on the Mistral-straight. This first (and only) endurance race however unfortunately came to an early end due to a broken shaft drive.
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Piero und Giovanni Laverda will take the LAVERDA 1000 V6 to Le Castellet. Nico Cereghini and Carlo Perugini will also make an appearance. An international LAVERDA rally will be organised within the event "Sunday Ride Classic" and there will be the option to ride one's LAVERDA on the track.
Information and bookings:
2018-01-07 |
SENSATION: 12-cylinder LAVERDA being built in Austria!
We have spotted a sensational LAVERDA project early this year in a cold garage in Gloggnitz/Lower Austria. Robert H. has high-flying ambitions: 12 cylinders, almost 4.500 cc, some 400 hp at the rear wheel. These massive data of course require a massively constructed hydraulic chassis.
In its first engine-iteration Robert H. was still experimenting with three Mikuni-carburettors (see pictures), but was soon to realise, that this set-up wouldn't result in the optimal power-output. Now he's looking at 12 carburettors with open bell-mouths. We are eagerly awaiting the first soundcheck!
Many thanks to the sponsors of this unique project: Sepp K. from Himmelberg/Carynthia, Peter B. from Innsbruck/Tyrol und Ulli from Sylt/Germany – without your generous donation of engines the 12-cylinder-LAVERDA would have never been realised!
2017-12-01 |
LAVERDA Rally in Breganze 2018 und 2019
Surprisingly early the Moto Club LAVERDA Breganze has published two dates:
7. – 8. July 2018 - 7th International LAVERDA Rally in Breganze/Italy
6. – 7. July 2019 - 8th International LAVERDA Rally "70th anniversary of Moto LAVERDA" in Breganze/Italy
2017-12-01 |
LAVERDA-Calendar 2018
Erich Müllegger, passionate photographer and LAVERDA-rider, has once again made his two LAVERDA-Calendars available for download. You can use them to adorn your workshop, embellish your office or gift them to your friends. The printed version is available from Wolfgang Huber. Thank you very much Erich for these beautiful calendars!
LAVERDA-Monatskalender 2018
LAVERDA-Jahreskalender 2018
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2017-10-30 |
LAVERDA 1000 3CL resurrected
Gerd Ramacher from Baden bei Wien/Lower Austria, has kept his promise and revived his LAVERDA 1000 3CL this year. Here's what he said after the first test-ride: "That's a proper motorbike!!! Extra harsh suspension, reeks of oil and fuel and is murderously loud!!! I had completely forgotten what it feels like to ride a LAVERDA!" Of course we hope to catch up with Gerd and his LAVERDA triple frequently next year.
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2017-10-30 |
The perfect Christmas present for LAVERDA-riders and those who still aim to become part of the crowd
The busy members of the LAVERDA CONNECTION OBERPFALZ have made a movie about their passion for riding a LAVERDA. With a substantial film-crew, six LAVERDAs, six LAVERDA-riders, a Blues-Guitarrist, lots of beer and even more time they shot two films. In order to be as authentic as possible, every scene was only recorded once. In line with the hight quality of LAVERDA, the DVD, packaging and booklet have been intricately styled. The edition is limited to 549, each of which numbered by hand.
LCO: "This film is dedicated to all those who passionately and enthusiastically still ride their LAVERDAs "species-appropriately".
Trailer, prices and order: www.LCO-project.de
2017-10-10 |
2017-08-29 |
2017-08-16 |
The Zettls storm the Grossglockner
Karl und Christian Zettl took their Laverdas for a tour along the famous 'Großglockner-Hochalpenstraße'.
Karl: "We left Friday morning and our tour took us as planned via the Styrian 'Ennstal' to 'Fusch an der Großglockner-Hochalpenstraße'.
We had lunch at the 'Restaurant am Fuschertörl' and took a few photos. Up until then it had been a glorious summer's day, but then dark clouds appeared. Luckily it stayed dry. Our next stop was the 'Franz-Josefs-Höhe' with a view of the unhfortunately constantly shrinking glacier.
Of course we had to drop in at the Oldtimermuseum at the 'Franz-Josefs-Höhe'. Thereafter our route took us in light rain via 'Heiligenblut' and 'Winklern' to 'Spittal an der Drau' where we spent the night in an inn.
Saturday morning, after breakfast we rode towards 'Radenthein', then over the ' Turracher Höhe' to 'Murau' and then returned to Upper-Styria via the 'Sölkpass'.
It was a great tour, unfortunately without other LAVERDA-Friends, but maybe it happens next time. Our LAVERDAs ran well and wherever we pulled up people walked up to us, talked to us and took pictures of our LAVERDAs."
2017-07-10 |
Little LAVERDA-Rally at the Kalte Kuchl/Lower Austria
On Thursday, 6 July 2017, Franz Schneider, Andreas Braito and Gert Schnögl went for ride on their triples to the Kalte Kuchl/Lower Austria, and there, at the inn they met... a fourth LAVERDA rider!
In spring Peter Trinkl had bought a LAVERDA 1000 Jota 120° but so far had only been in contact with the LAVERDA Friends via e-mail and telephone. His Jota meanwhile had a big service, got modified according to Peter's wishes, passed road-worthy testing and got registered!
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2017-07-10 |
27-06-2017 |
LAVERDA Greeting from Styria
While we were at the Red Bull Ring, Robert Roschmann got in touch with us after rummaging through his collection of photograps.
Robert: "As promised, here are some pictures of my LAVERDA 1000 3CL. I had bought the bike in 1977 at Motorrad Hütter in Graz and had it modified and re-sprayed there as well. I didn't like the original green colourscheme. Moreover the bike was meant to match my Marco Lucchinelli leathers. At the time I was living quite close to the Old Österreichring, so in the late 70s me and my bike-mates were constantly doing track-days there. We founded the MRC Knittelfeld, and I became president. Our club had several LAVERDA riders, from the small waspish 500, over the 750 twin to the 1200 triple, all models were present. I also wanted to upgrade to a 1200 and was given the opportunity to test-ride a 1200 SC on the track (see the black-and-white picture showing me in what was at the time known as Bosch-Corner, now Rauch-Corner). Marriage and family put and end to my short intensive motorcycle career."
Many thanks to Robert for his fantastic pictures! At the same time we would like to encourage all Austrian LAVERDA-Fans to dig into their photo collections. We are already looking forward to the next story! Contact: gert.schnoegl@netway.at |
2017-06-23 |
Bernhard Zojer and his LAVERDA 1200 racer
Bernhard Zojer has been a busy man on his LAVERDA 1200 racer. At Easter he was at Franciacorta, mid May at the Schleizer Dreieck and Pentecost he was seen in Bremerhaven.
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2017-06-06 |
Hill-climb Landshaag
Once again Harald Portschy has flogged his LAVERDA 1200 up the hill from Landshaag to St. Martin.
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2017-05-23 |
Our favourite thing to see: Young people on old LAVERDAs
Johannes Krammer caught the bug from his uncle Karl Zettl: While Karl and his son Christian were restoring an old LAVERDA 750 SFC Replica, Johannes used to frequently drop in. He finally decided that one of those Italian beauties should adorn his shed. When Harald Penker put his LAVERDA 500 Cafe Racer up for sale Johannes didn't hesitate: "Karl and I immediately went to Schlaining to have a look at the 500 and I bought her straight away. The following weekend she was already sitting in my garage. I generally appreciate LAVERDAs because of their timeless shape and classic design. With my 500 I particularly like the cool black paintjob and the sound of the exhaust system.
We wish Johannes a lot of fun with his LAVERDA 500 Cafe Racer and hope to see him at our annual LAVERDA-Rally!
2017-05-16 |
LAVERDA MUSEUM closing down
The unique LAVERDA Museum in Lisse/Netherlands will open its doors for the very last time on 25 May from 10 am to 5 pm. Due to health reasons Cor Dees is no longer able to keep the museum open. He is now trying to sell his whole collection and would love to see it go to Breganze/Italy oder or any other European country with a strong LAVERDA-Community. A total of 81 LAVERDA motorcycles and countless LAVERDA collector's items are for sale. Only the LAVERDA 1000 V6 will, for the time being, remain in Cor's posession.
Informations about the sale: www.viathema.com/laverda/cor-dees-museum-collection
2017-05-10 |
"Grab the Flag" 2017 am Pannoniaring
Schau dir den Bericht über die Saisoneröffnung der "Grab the Flag"-Rennserie am Pannoniaring an.
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2017-03-30 |
″Bottomless″ LAVERDA 1230 CR Act III
Peter Corbic has provided us with some new pictures of his LAVERDA 1230 CR. The engine has been equipped with 84 mm pistons, dry weight without battery is 163 kg. Electrics and paint job are still on the to-do list, but then it will be time to start the engine. There are already heated discussions about Peter's unconventional idea on the international LAVERDA Forum. We are keen to hear about the first test-ride.
2017-03-29 |
Erich Müllegger visited the vehicle collection at the "Dauphin Speed Event" in Hersbruck/Germany. The Dauphins, a family of entrepreneurs, have converted a former factory hall from the 60s into a showroom for their private collection of historic vehicles. Amongst the 240 motorcycles on display Erich spotted two LAVERDAs: An exquisite 1974 LAVERDA 750 SFC, and a LAVERDA 1000 Jota, 120°, the latter not totally original but with a very rare paint job.
2017-03-16 |
Scorch LAVERDA1200 by Redax Laverda
Australian LAVERDA-Guru Red Cawte has built up two very special race-triples. The frames were manufactured by Hermann Serfontein/Scorch Cycles in Cape Town/Southafrica. The engines of course (1160/1145 ccm) emerged from wizard's couldron of Red, who states a weight of the racers of 177 kg - without fuel. In their first dyno runs the bikes delivered unbelievable values measured at the rear wheel. 132 hp for the black bike and 126 hp for the orange bike. Red reckons however that the tuning isn't perfected yet!
The first test on the track was carried out at the Queensland Raceway in the presence of Piero Laverda and some of his friends. Piero and his 1000 V6 are amongst the special guests of the 2017 "International Festival of Speed" at the Sydney Motorsport Park - Eastern Creek which is held under the heading of "A Celebration of Italian GP Motorcycle Racing".
2017-03-08 |
Retro Classics Stuttgart
Wolfgang Märzinger war auf der Retro Classics in Stuttgart und hat uns einige Bilder mitgebacht.
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2017-02-16 |
Last week Walter M. from Vienna surprised us not only with a little present but also with plenty of praise. Walter wrote:
"Hello Gert, I am a fan of all kinds of historic vehicles. I only briefly owned a LAVERDA 1000 3CL which unfortunately was not a runner (see my guestbook entry of 23. 4. 2006). I think you are doing a great job with respect to these motorbikes and are making a great contribution to conserving them.
Attached three pictures of my 1976 LAVERDA 1000 3CL. Regrettably I sold her in December 1993. The guy who bought her at the time still owns her but she is still in parts and not yet restored to her former beauty."
2017-02-07 |
Bike Expo Verona
Gerd Ramacher und sein Freund Peter besuchen die Bike Expo in Verona/Italien und berichten darüber.
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2017-02-05 |
LAVERDA 1200 at the Timmelsjoch/Tyrol
According to Hans Burger, the "Crosspoint", Europe's highest Motorcycle Museum, which exhibits 230 motorbikes in an impressive building, also features an orange LAVERDA 1200. For more information visit
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″Bottomless″ LAVERDA 1200 take two
The Salzburg LAVERDA 1200 CR project is making good progress. Just before its creator took off an several weeks of holidays he provided us with some new photos. The engine is already in, carburettors and exhaust have been fitted. After the well-deserved break he will tackle electrics and the paintjob.
LAVERDA 1200 Jota - Greetings from Zagreb/Croatia
Davor Tucman runs a motorcycle workshop in Zagreb and has rebuilt a LAVERDA 1200 Jota in the fashion of the classic endurance racers. The only missing parts are the footpegs. The base for this project was a Jota 1000. Additionally he's started work on a second LAVERDA 1200.
04-12-2016 |
″Bottomless″ LAVERDA 1200
Through the grapevine we heard about the sensational trend of LAVERDA triples with open frames, and of course we had to check. After meticulous research we spotted respective projects in a dark backyard garage workshop in Carinthia and a friendly lounge room in Salzburg. We secretly managed to get some photos and will try to keep you posted... …
04-12-2016 |
2016-11-23 |
LAVERDA-Kalender 2017
Erich Müllegger, leidenschaftlicher Fotograf und LAVERDA-Fahrer, hat uns seine beiden LAVERDA-Kalender als Download-Dateien zur Verfügung gestellt! Damit könnt ihr eure Werkstatt schmücken, euren Arbeitsplatz verschönern oder eure Freunde beschenken. Wir sagen herzlichen Dank für diese hervorragende Arbeit!
LAVERDA-Monatskalender 2017
LAVERDA-Jahreskalender 2017
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15-11-2016 |
Mostra Scambio Novegro
Karl und Christian Zettl besuchen den Mostra Scambio Novegro in Mailand/Italien und berichten darüber.
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08-11-2016 |
Sulzbacher LAVERDA 1200SC times two
Inspired by our most recent LAVERDA-Rally, Walter Schrempf has revived his original 1977 Sulzbacher LAVERDA 1200SC, in next to no time. Walter has owned this gorgeous bike since 1982. After 20 years of hibernation she is roaring again. Congratulations to Walter on this successful reanimation and we are looking forward to seeing him at a rally on his 1200SC!
Uli Petersen has once again sent word from Sylt and provided us with pictures of the restoration job on his Sulzbacher LAVERDA 1200SC. Given summer is a very busy time for Uli, he didn't get as far as he wanted, but she starts to resemble a proper motorbike again. The plan is to have her ready for the summer of 2017. We are waiting with bated breath...
08-11-2016 |
New cool motorcycle magazine on-line
The new Austrian magazine "coolrides.at" has gone online. The article "HORSTS LAVERDA" features celebrity host, motorcycle-racer and LAVERDA-enthusiast Horst Scheuer. Check it out:
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2016-10-23 |
Resurrected LAVERDA 500
Karl und Christian Zettl have once again done a fantastic job. The have just fired up the engine of the recently rebuilt LAVERDA 500. Dressed in grey-black with artfully placed orange highlights she has turned into a real beauty. What a shame we couldn't hear the sound of the Formula megaphones from the distance.....
2016-10-23 |
Kurt wins on LAVERDA 500
Kurt Lichtenegger not only won this year's International Classic Series of Track Attack on his LAVERDA 500 but managed to cause some serious inquietude amongst the Superbike community due to his spectacular riding style. A Viennese 1200 Monster rider said, and I quote: "There was this guy on his LAVERDA and he just flew past me in one of the corners of the 'Lahnsattel'. He must have been on a 1200! I just couldn't catch him again...." Kurt's riding has already lead to some rumours about a ride in MotoGP...
2016-10-04 |
2016-09-12 |
A LAVERDA 1000 3C on a film poster
Within a few days the movie "Brüder der Nacht" (Brothers of the Night) of director Patrick Chiha will hit the Austrian cinemas. The poster shows an orange LAVERDA 1000 3C.
It is probably the very first time in the history of movies, that a LAVERDA is featured in a poster, although the bike doesn't play a major role in the film.
The owner of the bike, Claus Reinsprecht, had provided the LAVERDA 1000 3C for a photo-shooting. Claus is running a very committed workshop in the 8th Precinct in Vienna: www.citywerkstatt.at
Picture and poster: wildartfilm.at
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2016-09-12 |
Robert Schlachter returns to Pikes Peak/USA
Robert Schlachter went to visit the 100th Pikes Peak hillclimb. Robert had seriously crashed in 2007 which is why the organisers gave him a crew pass this year. During breakfast he was approached by Carlin Dunne, the fastest man on the Pikes Peak, who had noticed his LAVERDA t-shirt.
Carlins Dad rides a LAVERDA in California. Picture1 shows Robert with Mickey Dumont and Carlin Dunne. Picture 2 shows him surrounded by American friends.
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2016-08-31 |
2016-08-30 |
2016-08-25 |
Wir begrüßen einen neuen LAVERDA-Freund in unserer Runde: Peter Corbic ist schon seit seiner frühen Jugend mit dem LAVERDA-Virus infiziert.
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2016-07-28 |
Hill Climb Julbach 2016
Harald Portschy entered his LAVERDA 1200 in the National Motorcycle Hill Climb Championship race in Julbach.
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2016-07-04 |
LAVERDA Endurance Victory in Spa
Fantastic news from the "Bikers Classics 2016" in Spa-Francorchamps/Belgium:
The Dutch Gijs van Dijk LAVERDA-Team won the 4hour race in the class up to 1000cc!
After all the misfortune in the past years this victory is well deserved! Our heartfelt congratulations!
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2016-06-01 |
IGFC - Adria Race
Und weiter geht die Jagd um Sekunden: der aktuelle Bericht über das 3. Int. IGFC - Adria Race kommt aus Rijeka/Kroatien.
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2016-05-31 |
2016-05-09 |
2016-04-28 |
2016-04-22 |
LAVERDA 750 Formula
Daniel Neuhauser has re-surfaced and intends to bring his LAVERDA 750 Formula back on the road. Many thanks to Donat Rauberger for his excellent job in being a motivator!
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2016-04-22 |
Landshaag hill climb
Harald Portschy has competed in the traditional Landshaag hill climb giving his LAVERDA 1200 a proper workout. Erich Müllegger has supplied us with the respective photos.
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2016-04-11 |
Upper-Austrian Backyard Idyll
Günter Schörghuber is determined to awaken a sleeping beauty with a kiss: In 1979 he bought his LAVERDA 500 from Werner Sulzbacher, in 1988 he allowed registration to lapse and this Summer he wants the bike to run again. Wolfgang Huber was commissioned to overhaul the engine - we hope it is not going to turn into a never ending project ...
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2016-04-11 |
LAVERDA Racing Season 2016 Started!
Bernhard Zoier started this year's racing season very early: On 19 March he entered the "1st International Superbike Challenge" at the Pannoniaring/Hungary and at the Easter Weekend he was at Franciacorta/Italy. Whilst the heating in the caravan and the tyre-warmers were seriously necessary at the Pannoniaring, Franciacorta spoilt the riders with glorious Springtime weather. Comparet to last year Bernhard was able to considerable improve his lap-times at the Pannoniaring as well as in the tightly packed grid of Franciacorta - congratulations from our side! Looking at the results of Groups 5 and 8 we were delighted to notice that Bernhad's mate Hansjörg "Gattl" Gatterer finally came to his senses and decided to ride a LAVERDA: klassik-motorsport.com/resultate/resultate-2016/franciacorta/
2016-03-23 |
Andi Varga - Ride in Peace!
Our friend Andi Varga passed away on the 16 March 2016 at the age of 76 after losing his short battle with a serious illness.
Andi was a thoroughbred LAVERDA-fan. The moment a new LAVERDA appeared on the market he had to buy and ride it. The way he commented on the performance of his newest acquisition in spring - in very broad dialect - became almost legendary: "You've got no idea how that one goes!" There wasn't a carburettor or exhaust that remained untouched the way he constantly was moidifying and optimising.
Our heartfelt condolences to his family and friends. Ride in Peace, Andi!
2016-03-07 |
LAVERDA-Greetings from Florida/USA
Phil Gonzales sends greetings from Florida/USA. In 2012 he started to build up a Sulzbacher LAVERDA 1200SC - Replica from what appeared to be mostly a pile of scrap-metal. Scott Potter took care of the engine and completely rebuilt it. Gert Schnoegl provided Phil with the necessary information and sent the special Sulzbacher-parts to Florida. In its original metallic-red paintjob this 1200SC - Replica looks stunning!!! We congratulate Phil on this successful job and will keep you posted as soon as the Sulzbacher 1200SC - Replica is ready to roll!
2016-03-07 |
LAVERDA-Greetings from Vorarlberg
Harald "Harry" Ramsauer sends greetings and coole pictures from Bregenz telling us that he has meanwhile successfully turned his Heliane into a LAVERDA-fan. We're absoultely gobsmacked…
2016-03-07 |
LAVERDA-Greetings from Osttirol
Bernhard Zojer sends greetings form Dölsach/Lienz. He is all set up for the upcoming Classic racing season: His new bike trailer most certainly looks like a winner (Design by Gert Schnoegl)!
2016-01-25 |
Vale Walter Völsner
Walter Völsner, our LAVERDA-Friend from Leoben, unexpectedly passed away on 1 January 2016, at the age of 59.
Walter was a passionate motorbike rider and a LAVERDA-Fan right from the beginning and a . With his "Gigi" pillioning, he covered hundreds of thousands of kilometres in Austria and the neighbouring countries.
His dedication racing the Salzburgring and the Pannoniaring were legendary. With his rider Ulf Lassacher he entered his red HAAS-CNC LAVERDA 1200 in Classic Racing, and during hill-climbs at the Tauplitz and the Goldberg, Walter piloted his LAVERDA himself.
Ride in Peace, Walter! We'll meet again in LAVERDA-Heaven!
2016-01-17 |
Sulzbacher LAVERDA 1200 SC in Norddeutschland aufgetaucht!!!
Aus dem äußersten Norden Deutschlands erreicht uns eine sensationelle Nachricht: Ulli Petersen hat eine zerlegte und stark verwitterte Sulzbacher LAVERDA 1200 SC gekauft. Diese vom österreichischen LAVERDA-Importeur Werner Sulzbacher getunte Dreizylinder wurde im März 1979 erstmals zugelassen - ob in Österreich oder Deutschland ist leider nicht bekannt. Alle Fotos und Papiere, die uns Ulli geschickt hat, sprechen dafür, daß es eine echte 1200SC ist. Somit ist es die Nummer 15 in unserem Sulzbacher LAVERDA 1200SC Register.
Wir gratulieren Ulli herzlich zu diesem Kauf und werden ihn mit Rat und Tat bei der bereits begonnenen Restaurierung unterstützen!
2016-01-17 |
LAVERDA 1200 mit Brühl-Zentralrohrrahmen
Burkhardt Brühl baut seit einigen Jahren einen Zentralrohrrahmen für den LAVERDA 750 SF Motor. Jetzt hat er sich mit dem LAVERDA Dreizylinder-Motor 180° beschäftigt. Ende November wurde die erste 1200er Dreizylinder mit Brühl-Zentralrohrrahmen fertig. Schaut euch die Fotos an! Sehr beeindruckend was Burkhardt da auf die Räder gestellt hat! Ein Fahrwerk für den 120° Motor soll folgen …
2016-01-17 |
LAVERDA 750 SF2 mit Zentralrohrrahmen
Joachim Lehman hat uns Fotos von seiner wunderschönen LAVERDA 750 SF2 mit Zentralrohrahmen und Cantileverschwinge geschickt. Schaut euch die Fotos dieser schlanken Schönheit an!
Joachim besitzt diese LAVERDA seit Mai 2015. Der Umbau soll aber bereits in den 80er Jahren erfolgt sein. Wer weiß mehr über diesen Umbau? Wer hat den Rahmen gebaut? Meldet euch bei Gert Schnögl: gert.schnoegl@netway.at
2016-01-17 |
LAVERDA Besuch aus Australien
Anfang Dezember bekamen wir Besuch von Brett und Diana aus Port Maquarie/Australien. Brett fährt eine LAVERDA 750 GT. Nach einem kurzen Besuch in meiner Werkstatt, bei dem sich Brett besonders für meine LAVERDA 250 Chott begeisterte, verbrachten wir einen netten Abend in einem Wiener Beisl bei Bier und Wiener Schnitzel. Der Kontakt kam über das INTERNATIONALE LAVERDA FORUM zustande: www.laverdaforum.com (Gert Schnögl)
2015-11-03 |
2015-10-12 |
Wir präsentieren einen neuen LAVERDA-Freund auf unserer Seite: Wolfgang Pussecker mit der Leidenschaft für Motorräder im Blut.
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2015-09-28 |
2015-09-17 |
2015-09-01 |
2015-08-18 |
2015-08-17 |
2015-06-11 |
Drei auf einen Streich
Karl und Christian Zettl wollten immer schon eine LAVERDA haben. Jetzt sind es gleich drei auf einmal geworden - eine 500er, eine 750 SF und eine 1200er. Als erste wird die 750 SF restauriert und zur SFC-Replica umgebaut. Vor kurzem wurde sie erstmals gestartet:
zum Video
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2015-06-10 |
2015-06-01 |
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LAVERDA 500 - ASI Moto Show 2015
This year's ASI-Moto Show at the Circuito Varano de Melegari/Italien hosted a big rally for the "small" LAVERDAs 350/500/500 Formula/500 Endurance/600TT2. Here are two videos of the event:
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LAVERDA 500 Formula
During a trip to Italy Hannes Hämmerle discovered a true beauty:
"The Outlet" in Novarone sul Piave had an original 500 Formula on display.
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LAVERDA 500 "Monty"
XTR Pepo (www.facebook.com/XTRPEPO) has presented a very special modification at "The Bike Shed 2015" in London: His "Monty" which is based on a LAVERDA 500, MJ1978, follows the design of the endurance racers of the 70s and is a spectacular creation made from old and new components:
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2015-05-12 |
2015-04-13 |
Spring 2015: We take a peek into the workshops of our LAVERDA-Friends.
2015-03-24 |
2015-01-16 |
2015-01-15 |
Orange is always beautiful!
Gottfried Benedikt, to many of you also known as "LAVERDA-Fritz", has for quite some time been intensively busied himself with the colour orange. He grows giant pumpkins and has been awarded first prize for one of his splendid specimens at the 2014 Tulln Garden Show. Not only was the winning pumpkin orange, just like a LAVERDA, it also matched the weight of a LAVERDA at a whopping 197.2 kg.